My name is Reece, a DIGIT student looking to work in game design/development. My hobbies include reading, video games, and making videos. On this site, I'll post some of the stuff I've made/worked on!
There'll be a lot of different stuff on here. I'd like to be a 'jack of all trades'
type of person.
This site is made up of these pages:
In Spring 2024, I worked with some peers to catalogue and analyze all the text data
from the Ace Attorney franchise, using data analysis methods we learned in class!
Here's a link to the
website we created, or alternatively, check out the
project's github repo!
In Fall 2022, I worked with a group of classmates to create a text-based sci-fi horror game. I was the coder! Check it out on here:
Alternatively, download the game yourself and play it offline:
To install and run this game, download the zip file, uncompress
it to the location of your choice, then open the file and choose either game.html,
game NO FLICKER.html to play without the flickering effect, or game NO CRT.html to
play without the CRT effect entirely.
Website maintained by Reece Cullen. Last edited 4-27-2023.
work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Arachnophobia Mode