
I'll make you eat those words!
Welcome to the homepage for the Fall 2023 DIGIT 110 final project! Our group members are very passionate about a certain character, so we decided to do our project on none other than Sonic the Hedgehog! He's a pretty popular guy, having his own cartoon, a billion video games, and 2 -- wait, 3?? -- movies! But how does the blue blur's signature charisma translate to the pages of a comic? This project was performed both to answer that question, and deepen our understanding and appreciation for the character/franchise as a whole.

the real sonic the hedgehog
the real sonic the hedgehog

Gotta go fast!
Here's a brief summary of what each of these pages contain:
Members: Read a little about each of our team's members
Characters: Check out the different characters that appear in the issues we've encoded
Issues: This menu will lead to the encoded viersons of each issue
About: Learn a little about IDW's Sonic comics
CBML: Explore the code schema we used to encode our comics
Here's a link leading directly to our project repo!

Our members are:
-Reece Cullen
-Alyssa Hopple
-Kayla Hopple

Project done by students at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College.
Comics retrieved from The Grabber Zone

Not So Fast Egghead by Reece Cullen, Alyssa Hopple, and Kayla Hopple is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0