This page contains information about all the team's members.
Kayla Hopple
Hi! I'm
Kayla Hopple, a gamer girl, a digital art major, and a game design minor! Prior
to this project, I knew very little about Ace Attorney, and the only visual
novel I've played was Hatoful Boyfriend. I play more platform games, party
games, and adventure games. My favorite video games are Sonic the Hedgehog,
Super Mario, and Minecraft. As we progressed through the project, I started
learning what it's like to play the games and what to expect! I was in charge of
designing the websites for this project, which helps with perfecting graphic
design techniques needed for my future career as a video game graphic
Alyssa Hopple
My name is Alyssa Hopple. I am also a gamer girl and a junior at Penn State
majoring in DIGIT with a minor in game design. I am also new to Ace Attorney,
and my favorite video game franchises are Metroid, Dance Dance Revolution, and
Pokémon. Every time we came together to work on this project, I learned a little
more about this franchise, which gradually got me even more interested not only
in the franchise itself, but I would also go on to draw fanart of some of the
characters in Ace Attorney, such as the legendary Phoenix Wright! In this
semester project, my role was an assistant programmer, utilizing coding
techniques on various transcripts of a few Ace Attorney games such as Regex and
Jupyter Lab (uses Python).
Reece Cullen
Howdy, I'm Reece Cullen,
a DIGIT major and massive fan of the Ace Attorney franchise. Doing this project
on Ace Attorney was actually my idea, as I thought making a text-generative
model using the series could be interesting, and because I had a good idea that
all the data we'd need could be found readily online. The Ace Attorney franchise
has a very active online fanbase, even though the series hasn't seen a
new game for a couple of years now. Regardless, working on this
project has been a lot of fun!